Strategy sees Thursday NASDAQ –noting to Strike (STRK) convertible preferred stock

Disclaimer: The analyst, who wrote this piece, owns shares in Strategy (Mstr).

Strategy (MSTR) expects its convertible preferred warehouse (STRK) to be listed on NASDAQ on Thursday, according to a slide in its earnings presentation.

Strategy, formerly known as MicroStratey, also introduced new benefits metrics when it reported earnings in the fourth quarter after the market closed Wednesday. The Tyson Corner, Virginia-based company reported a loss of $ 3.03 per year. Stock. It did not adopt Financial Stability Accounting Board (FASB) rules, which would have avoided a reduced loss of $ 1 billion. These will be adopted this quarter, the company said.

Among the new key production indicators, a $ 2025 Bitcoin (BTC) is $ 10 billion. So far this year, it has achieved $ 1.24 billion. Another KPI is a Bitcoin yield of 15%; Year to date it is 2.9%.

BTC KPI target (strategy Q4 earnings presentation)

Strategy has spent about $ 17 billion out of the $ 21 billion dollars in the market (ATM) share program so far. In the earnings presentation, the company pointed out that sales sales were only 2.9% of the total cumulative trading volume, where November 11-15 was the highest percentage of the total trading volume of one week of 7%.

ATM EQUITY OFFER VS TRADING VOLUME (strategy earnings presentation)

ATM EQUITY OFFER VS TRADING VOLUME (strategy earnings presentation)

The company’s shares were recently 1.3% higher in trading before the market.

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