Metadao’s push to revolutionize governance through market -based decision making is to get a boost from the creator of its creed: Robin Hanson.
Crypto Group hired Hanson – a professor of George Mason University Economics on Thursday, who created the notion of Futarchy a quarter of a century ago – as a paid adviser. His addition gives an intellectual and probably optical edge to the year old project that commands a lot of Solana Crypto-Governance Wonks.
Futarchy rests on the condition that markets are better at determining optimal results than politicians or even their voters – the popular centers of power in modern politics. Futarchaic control systems look more like a prediction market than a ballot.
How it works, at least in Metadao’s version, is perhaps best understood by examining how Metadao addressed the question, “Should Metadao hire Robin Hanson as an advisor?” To make this spun the project markets where dealers could speculate on the price of metatokens if Hanson were to be hired and if he wasn’t.
Read more: ‘The goal is that the number goes up’: Inside a DAO’s radical government experiment
Hanson is hired because Metadao dealers pushed the price of meta higher in the scenario where he was brought on board. Essentially, his participation would be more advantageous to the project than his absence, and it is worth 20.9 meta ($ 24,000) he gets over two years.
Hanson is not in it for the money, but rather “the glory.” He devised Futarchy because he believes that governance is fundamentally broken. In his mind and metadao’s markets where people have a financial incentive to make good decisions when better results than political systems do
“If we could actually have a better government mechanism, we could change the world,” he said.
The pseudonymous co -founder of Metadao passing by Proph3t has spoken to Hanson about their creation design for at least a year. Proph3t brought an effort to formally hire Hanson before Metadao earlier this week.
His work will “primarily be mechanism design and strategy advice” in accordance with the proposal. It can also see Hanson-Med-author blog post with Metadao on “New Futarchic Mechanisms.”
Metadao debuted at last year’s Solana Hacker House Mtndao in Salt Lake City. It was a hit among Crypto Builders who froze working on their own projects to trade its decision markets galore. Metadao’s management markets have since been adopted by a growing number of projects in the Solana ecosystem, including Jito.
Metadao is not the only Futarchy-focused project that Hanson is engaging in, but he said it is the farthest public effort. Crypto supporters are especially open to Futarchy because it is consistent with the innovation-things stories that he said they tell themselves when they grabbed the meaning of their wealth.
“When people make money in the world, they need to tell themselves a story about why they earned the money,” said Hanson, “Krypto -people tell themselves that it is their insight into potential innovation and to change the world. “