Openai just updated his 187-page rulebook so Chatgpt can engage in more controversial items

  • Openai has updated its model specification to allow chatgpt to engage in more controversial items
  • The company emphasizes neutrality and more perspectives as an ointment for heated complaints about how its AI responds to directions
  • Universal approval is unlikely, no matter where Openai forms its AI training methods

Openai’s training methods for chatgpt change to allow the AI ​​-Chatbot to discuss controversial and sensitive topics in the name of “intellectual freedom.”

The change is part of updates made for the 187-page model specification, essentially the rule book for how its AI behaves. This means that you will be able to get an answer from chatgpt about the delicate topics that the AI ​​-Chatbot usually either has a somewhat mainstream view of or refuses to answer.

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