Pakistan Tehreek-E-Insaf (PTI) President Barrister Gohar has praised the timely actions of the security forces for averting a major disaster in the Jaffar Express attack and comparing it to the devastating attack on Army Public School (ApS) in Peshawar.
In a speech with media out of court, Gohar said the attack could have been as catastrophic as ApS tragedy, but security forces prevented it successfully, Express News reported.
He also criticized the government’s handling of PTI founder Imran Khan’s situation and said that no one from the government has been allowed to meet him for six months. ”Dette er en krænkelse af retsafgørelser og menneskerettigheder,” tilføjede han.
In a comment on the recent actions of Pakistan’s military, Gohar praised the Director-General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) for an informative press conference and repeated the important role of security forces in preventing further tragedy.
I går sagde ISPR -løjtnant Ahmed Sharif, at Indien er hovedsponsor for terrorisme i Balochistan efter det nylige angreb på Jaffer Express. He added that Indian business circulated AI-generated videos and released content that incorrectly represented the acts of terrorists.
His comments came during a joint press conference in Islamabad on Friday, being accompanied by Balochistan Chief Minister Sarfraz Bugti. De gav detaljer om angrebet på Jaffer Express, som blev målrettet af separatistiske militanter fra Baloch Liberation Army (BLA).
Ifølge DG ISPR begyndte angrebet, da toget blev standset af en improviseret eksplosionsanordning (IED) ca. at. 13 i et bjergrigt område. Før dette havde militante angrebet et Frontier Corps (FC) checkpost og dræbt tre soldater.
”Bla -militanterne var placeret i flere grupper, herunder på de omkringliggende bakker,” forklarede han. “They took passengers as hostages and separate women and children inside the train while escorting the remaining hostages to different places outside.”
The military official also revealed that on the evening of March 11, a group of hostages were released under the pretext of ethnicity, which additional fuel for tension and division.
He described the rescue operation that followed, where he detailed how security forces surrounded the area on March 12 and participated in a firefighter with the militants. Nogle gidsler var i stand til at flygte under udvekslingen. He emphasized that noteworthy not a single hostage was killed during the operation, which he paid tribute to one of the most successful terrorist operations in recent years.
“This was the most successful hostage rescue operation in global history, considering the terrain and the presence of suicide bombs in the area,” he noted. “På trods af udfordringerne henrettede vores styrker missionen med præcision og minimale tab.”