Since its inception in 2020, YouTube shorts have been Tikkok’s tough competitor in the short-shaped content sector, but from recently YouTube has had a bit of driveway with problems that many users have picked up. As reported by people at Reddit (see below), a new Bug Auto-Plays tab will play the shorts tab as soon as you open the YouTube app.
YouTube -App opens for shorts from R/YouTube
This question has been completely off and off for YouTube and has somehow reappeared for more and more people in the last few weeks. Too many users, the app opens automatically to display the shorts tab if it was the last thing seen/ used as opposed to opening YouTube website as it normally would.
However, according to 9to5Google, it is noticed a growing trend where YouTube automatically launches shorts, no matter what was previously seen – and that is the case for both free users and paying subscribers of YouTube prize. As it says, it is not certain if this problem will appear for iOS users, but 9to5Google has noticed that Android devices – especially Nothing Phone (3A) and Pixel 9 Pro Fold – have fallen victim to this annoying error.
Look at
There is no doubt that YouTube has contributed a significant amount of attention to launching its answer to Tikkoks popular short video and even gaining an advantage over it with a music video Remix feature last year. But it’s hard to see if this error is a minor error in the system, or a tactic to get more users to ride on the YouTube shorts train.
How to arrange YouTube Shorts -Bug
If you are an Android user who has problems with YouTube playing you shorts as soon as you launch the app there is a way you can change this. As recommended in 9to5Google’s report, the opening and power-stopping app won’t be enough to solve the problem but clearing your stock/ cache will help.
Although this is the trick of getting YouTube to stop automatically playing the Shorts tab when you open the app, 9to5Google says the problem returns when shorts open again. YouTube has not yet commented on its efforts to solve the problem, but we will update this story if any new information surfaces.