It is a measure of how shared the United States has become that rarely in his story has seen a president who is the subject of so much adulation among his followers and so intense reluctance among his opponents.
The department was not provoked by Trump; They were already there, like many other problems he used to come to power.
There is too much focus on Trump’s character and persona. But he is much more than his persona. The reality is that Trump is not a phenomenon of a single issue. As a phenomenon, he is at the center of a complex set of questions that have evolved in the US and globally in recent decades.
They include a decrease in the quality of democracy in advanced democracies, especially in America, and the transgressions of capitalism and globalization that had led to the emergence of a globalist elite interested in their own wealth than about economic and social justice or even about national interest.
Democracy had come to be dominated by an unholy alliance between globalist -led capitalism, money, partisan media, politics, lobbies and special interests. It is a well -kept secret that apart from AIPAC the most successful lobby of the American Congress is the bank lobby. The size of its effect is reflected in the horrible scale of the 2008 finance crisis.
The crisis was attributed to the banking regulation adopted by the US Congress in the Clinton years, which helped bankers make billions at the expense of small homeowners who received loans they did not qualify for, which led to massive forced auctions.
Democracy had become all about the pursuit of political power. This compromised democracy helped politicians to be elected without performing much public service. Instead of listening to people and hearing about their complaints, leadership was busy fighting wars abroad. The wars spurred on by election policy and the economic and class interests of the elite, and the influence of the military -industrial complex, cost trillions of dollars that not only cause enormous war injuries, but also thousands of disabled war veterans who came to have intense repulsion against the elite.
By extension, the anti-elite mood eroded confidence in the government, institutions and the educated class and its knowledge including medical sciences. It partly explained the anti-vaccine movement.
People felt that politicians and politics had failed them, a faith that Trump exploited by offering himself as an alternative. It improved his image as a non-politician and lowered Hillary’s, which was successfully demonized by its followers as part of the elite-based system.
Trump took advantage of not only the anti-elite mood, but also public uncertainties asked for the threat of terrorism that began with 9/11, as well as the globalization head of social dissatisfaction and income carbonation affecting the lower classes. Not to mention their fears of potential instability and job loss from the flood of refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigrants, especially because of the almost open borders in the south.
There has also been another factor. Class consciousness had reached the western banks – first in Europe and then in the United States, where the whites and uneducated among the lower classes felt victim and excluded in the hands of forces, they did not understand that they made them look for scapegoats. This caused xenophobia, especially Muslim phobia, and only encouraged a feeling of whites at home and America first abroad.
And then there was the cultural shock of traditional American values provoked by the Democrats with their shifts to the left on social issues such as abortion, gender equality and LGBTQ and their talk about pistol control.
An important contributor to moving all this negativity in large parts of America has been the new revolutionary media that have commercialized the dissemination of information. This media began decades ago with 24/7 cable TV, but has since expanded exponentially with the arrival of the Internet and social media gradually undermined the credibility of the information.
Social media has personalized the spread of information and further deteriorated its authenticity. You can say something on social media, and with most people it would go as a truth or some form of it. On top of that, it would also spread like a fireplace. The credibility of enlightenment has come to depend not so much on fact-based evidence, but on influence, appeal or emotionally grasping the source of the information-it be a person, a group or a cult.
The mainstream media, especially printed, have tried to play a positive role – however limited – as a source of reliable news despite its commercial interests. However, its voice has increasingly been overshadowed by rating -driven electronic media, especially heavily politicized and propagandistic business as Fox News.
Fox Discovered that damaged democracy, where the media had been an accomplice at one point, offered a great opportunity. The complaints and exceptions it had created were the pig to the media. Fox Developed Prototype News Network that played on people’s anxiety, fear, complaints and uncertainties. When society was polarized, complaints were tapped.
With an exciting link to the truth and huge emotional appeal, Fox News was a perfect network for political propaganda and demagogui. Trump and Fox come to have a symbiotic relationship. Trump would not have received a 24/7 platform of any respectable mainstream media, a platform he didn’t need anyway, first because of Twitter (now X) and now truth social.
Trump could keep his base in emotional bondage by telling them things that were clearly untrue and which the mainstream media would have neither believed nor allowed to be conveyed. The reality is that if there had been no one Fox News and social media Trump would never have been selected. Whether it is as a businessman or politician, Trump’s strength has been in controlling the message and keeping the audience. And social media delivered it.
It was not only economic anxiety – driven by global and domestic forces – or terrorist security threats that are allegedly linked to the Muslim world that Trump successfully exploited. He also knocked on the cultural alienation of Americans, nostalgia for an idealized white identity and a longing for a strong man. These questions were going on Trump; He did not create them. Instead, they provided him with ‘dragons to kill’ in his persecution of power – one he eventually exercised to his own advantage and for other billionaires.
The super-rich are gathered behind Trump, united by their common passion for the small government-rested essentially translator into minimal regulation, low taxes and a weak rule of law. Their ultimate goals are unbound freedom to accumulate wealth. Billionaires see Trump as the spearhead of an attack on institutions, watchdogs and law enforcement.
While Trump’s primary motive is to erode accountability and the rule of law to solidify his authoritarian grip, other billionaires are also in favor of getting freedom to gather wealth and engage in wrongdoing without fear of government supervision. This marks the return of America’s gilded age.
Trump has a solid base on half of the United States, which he has captivated in exchange for his help to tackle their economic, cultural, ethnic and security -related complaints. They want him to fight the great government, the Democrats, ‘The Radical Left’, the so -called ‘radical Islam’, refugees, immigrants and foreign powers who benefit from the United States.
That’s why Trump seems to be on a war path every day and operates on so many fronts. If he fails to resolve the economy, his base will still support him for a number of other reasons.
In essence, there is a method in what Trump is doing. As a media and marketing genius, he will continue to play the media and control the message that never seems to have failed. This will not be true.
But for his base, all that Trump says is true per. Definition. How does it affect the future of America? Too early to tell, but the characters are not good.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and does not necessarily reflect’s editorial policy.
The author, a former ambassador, is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and visits the Senior Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore.
Originally published in the news