Looking for another day?
A new new strands puzzle appear at midnight every day for your time zone – which means some people always play ‘Today’s Games’ while others play ‘yesterday’s’. If you are looking for Sunday’s puzzle instead Then click here: New Strand’s Tip and Response to Sunday 23 March (Game #385).
Strands is New’s latest word play after them like Wordle, Spellbi and connections – and it’s fun. However, it can be difficult, so read on for my threads tips.
Want more word -based fun? Then check out my new connections today and Quordle today pages for tips and answers to these games, and Marc’s Wordle Today page for the original viral Word game.
Spoiler Warning: Information about new threads today is below, so do not read on if you do not want to know the answers.
New Strands Today (Game #386) – Tip No. 1 – Today’s theme
What is the theme of today’s new threads?
• Today’s new strings are … Yes, Queen …
New Strands Today (Game #386) – Tip No. 2 – Clue Words
Play one of these words to unlock the game tip system.
- Dole
- Fight
- Hack
- Forbidden
New Strands Today (Game #386) – Tip No. 3 – Spangram letter
How many letters are there at the point of the day?
• Spangram has 8 letters
New Strands Today (Game #386) – Tip No. 4 – Spangramp Dosition
What are two sides of the board that today’s tense touches?
First page: right, 4th row
Last page: Left, 6th row
Right, the answers are below, so no longer roll if you don’t want to see them.
New -threads today (game #386) – the answers
The answers to today’s threads, game #386, is …
- Eagles
- Genesis
- Blondie
- Spanggram: Rock Band
- My rating: Easy
- My score: Perfect
In my past life as a music journalist, I was paid for to be a musical nob. It’s not really a job that exists anymore, outside Rolling stones And a few niche magazines, as music publications and sites have discovered that you don’t have to pay people to be a musical nob – they will do it for free.
Unfortunately, despite no longer being paid to be one, I cannot help but implement the arbitrary science of snobbery and still divide artists into two camps – cool and not cool.
From this list, only blondie cuts, with Eagles wobbling between the two, but it’s just me – you may think top golfer Gene Simmons of Kiss is cool, or maybe you’ve never stopped believing in travel (puzzle compilators at NEW certainly don’t have).
How did you do today? Tell me that in the comments below.
Yesterday’s new strings answer (Sunday 23 March, Game #385)
- Darn
- Crochet
- Broders
- Baste
- Spanggram: Crafts
What is new threads?
Strands is Nyt’s non-new-new-more word games after Wordle and connections. It is now a fully expanded member of Nyt’s Games Stable, which has been running for a year and can be played on the new Games website on desktop or mobile.
I have a full guide on how to play new threads, complete with tips to solve it, so check it out if you struggle to beat it every day.