Decades of progress in reducing childhood deaths and stillbirths at risk warns the UN

The death toll for under-fives was 4.8 million in 2023-a marked fall-with stillbirths that fell marginally to about 1.9 million, data released by the UN shows.

Despite this, decades of hard -won progress in the survival of children are threatened as a result of financing cuts, health system challenges and regional differences, UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) warns with members of Interagency Network Igme.

“Millions of children live today because of the global obligation to proven interventions, such as vaccines, nutrition and access to safe water and basic sanitation,” said Catherine Russell, Unicef’s CEO.

“To bring preventable childhood deaths to a record low is a remarkable achievement. But Without the right political choices and adequate investments, we risk turning these hard earned gains, with millions of more children dying for preventable reasons. We can’t let it happen“She emphasized.

Preventable causes of childhood deaths

The data-contemplated in two reports also show that almost half of the death under five years occurred within the first month of life, predominantly due to premature birth and complications during childbirth.

For those who survived former infant, infectious diseases remained – such as pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea – leading causes of preventable death.

In addition, almost half of late stillbirths occur during childbirth, often due to parent infections, prolonged or hindered labor and lack of timely medical intervention.

Experts emphasized that improving access to mothers, newborns and children’s healthcare is critical for preventing these deaths.

Under-five mortality.

Regional differences

Where a child is born, greatly affects their chances of survival. In low -income countries, essential services, vaccines and treatments are often inaccessible, contributing to disproportionately high mortality.

The risk of death before it turns five is 80 times higher in the country with the highest mortality rate than the country with low mortality, the reports noted. Within countries, the poorest children stood, those who live in rural areas and those with less educated mothers, higher risks.

Stillbirths followed similar patterns with Women in low -income countries eight times more likely to experience a stillbirth than those in high -income countries.

Financing cuts

Cuts in financing for life -saving child survival programs aggravate existing differences.

Reduction in resources has led to a lack of health workers, clinic closures, disorders of vaccination campaigns and a lack of significant supplies such as malaria treatments.

Countries affected by humanitarian crises are those with significant debt burdens or already to high child mortality in particular.

Call for action

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, as Director -General, emphasized the need for urgent to scale up collaboration to protect children’s lives and their health.

From tackling malaria to preventing stillbirths and ensuring evidence -based care of the smallest babies, we can make a difference for millions of families“He said.

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