In a statement released on Thursday, the regulator revealed that their investigations – which included testimonies from several players and Bradburn’s own interview with the regulator – had found proof of maintaining three specific claims that included the charge.
It was claimed that Bradburn asked players with Asian background what their “real age” is to answer their answers by saying “is that your cricinfo age”, cricinfo “or the like. The proposal was that Asian players lie about their age.
At a team meeting before the season, Bradburn suggested selection decisions in Pakistan were made by choosing their friends and cousins or names out of a hat. Bradburn had previously had a number of roles with Pakistan, including a six -month stint as the main coach.
It is alleged that Bradburn had also used the phrase “this is not Western Storm” (the now abandoned woman’s domestic side based in southwestern England and Wales, often based on Cardiff) or similar under field practice, which suggested that the male players “threw like girls” when he thought they demonstrated a lack of intensity in exercises.
The regulator also found that the comment “Western Storm” started as a private joke with another coach and acknowledged that it had been picked up and used by the players. In connection with ECB’s goal of making cricket the most inclusive sport in the country, this was determined as an aggravating factor that considered Bradburn’s influence on the team culture in its role as a main coach. Such comments were not made when in the company of Western Storm players or coaches.
Bradburn admitted the charges of bringing the game contradict – a violation of Regulation 3.3 of the professional rules of conduct 2024 – with the regulator that accepted that he did not intend to cause offense with his words.
CDC judge Tim O’Gorman issued Bradburn with a reprimand, a caution about his future behavior, a requirement to attend an appropriate course on discrimination and EDI – with either the Professional Cricketers Association or the New Zealand Players Association – and a suspended fine of £ 500.
The penalty provided reflects the fact that Bradburn never denied to make the insulting declarations and fully cooperated with the investigation and apologized unreservedly any violation taken. The scope of the fine also reflects that Bradbun had already paid a significant price for his actions to have lost his coaching role with Glam organ.
Director of cricket regulator Chris Hard said: “There is no place for discrimination in the cricket and normalization of discriminatory language through this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Where such cases are identified, they will be examined and those responsible will be held to account.
“The regulator fully supports the CDC’s observation that the culture in any organization is strongly influenced by those who are leading this organization, and it is in particular to all senior leaders to set the right tone. In this case, Grant Bradburn failed to meet expectations.
“The regulator would like to thank the glamor organ for their help in this case and praise the openness and courage to those who reported this wrongdoing.
“Removal of discrimination from the game is a priority for the cricket regulator. We acknowledge that it takes a lot of courage for those who are affected to arrive. We are obliged to investigate thoroughly and quickly when accusations have traveled with us, whether they are current or earlier.”
In a statement released by Glamorgan, CEO Dan Cherry commented: “Glamorgan Cricket recognizes and welcomes this decision from the Cricket Discipline Committee.
“We have a zero-tolerance policy against discriminatory behavior, so as soon as questions were pointed out to us, we quickly acted to protect those affected and show a strong line against bad behavior that does not reflect the club’s values.
“We are convinced that the systems and processes we have in place to identify bad behavior work by virtue of the fact that those affected felt able to arrive at these points.”
Bradburn had monitored Glamorgan’s success in the Metro Bank One-Day Cup in its only season with responsibility. The county also ended sixth in both Division Two of the County Championship and T20 Blast South Group.