Ethereum’s last pectra -test goes live on Hood Network

The final dress -General test for Ethereum’s upcoming pectra upgrade took place on Wednesday when Blockchain’s biggest changes in over a year were tested an extra time after a series of accidents.

The upgrade of the new Hood Test Net was closely monitored when two previous tests, on Holeky and Sepolia Test Networks, failed to complete properly.

After these tests, developers created a new test network, Hood, to give ecosystem players, especially effort providers, another test option, before the pectra upgrade hits Ethereum’s mainnet.

The test involved passed Hood a number of code changes intended to make Ethereum more user -friendly for both end users as well as developers. One of these changes adds smart contract functionality to wallets, allowing wallet software developers to build new convenience -oriented features, as the possibility of paying transaction fees in cryptocurrencies other than ether (ETH).

Testnets act as copies of a head blockchain and are used by developers to run through any head code changes in an environment with low effort, giving them a place to make any mistakes before reaching the mainnet.

Hood was the last of three test nettes running through a simulation of pectra. Developers previously agreed that if everyone went well on Wednesday, Pectra would be monitored for about 30 days more and then finally activated at Ethereum’s mainnet.

Read more: Hi, Hood: Ethereum welcomes a new test network

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