Maine School Official Ripped to compare trans athletes with civil rights matches

Portland (Maine) Public Schools Superintendent Ryan Scallon faces enormous criticism after comparing the ongoing struggle to enable Trans -Including in women’s and girls’ sports to former US civil rights matches involving women and minorities.

Scallon made his comments during a school board meeting Tuesday.

“In the history of our country, there have been many civil rights struggles, including, but not limited, to struggles for women’s rights to vote, for racial equality and for gay marriage. In each of these matches, the opposition was partly driven by fear in trying to print other people who see, act, or believe in something else,” Scallon said. “Today, I see that it happens again with transient or non-binary students, and especially our transking athletes.”

Maine State Rep. Laurel Libby, who has recently risen as a key figure in the state’s ongoing resistance on Trans -Inclusion, Pakinomist Digital told her that she finds Scallon’s comments “insulting” and “unconscious.”

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“It’s insulting for women everywhere,” Libby said. “If I was a parent there, I would feel betrayed and as if I have no representation, and determined that my girls had no representation … It is an example of leadership actively participating in the deletion of women and girls.

“It is unconscious that a public official would compare the waking politics with giving biological men the opportunity to participate in girls’ sports for the civil rights struggle that previous generations fought.”

Libby became a prominent figure in this Maine debate after sending an ugly high school bar vaulter on social media. Poland Vaulter competed as late as June 2024 as a biological man and ended up winning a state championship as a woman.

Libby was later censored for the position and has since brought a lawsuit in response to trying to regain her vote and speak privileges.

Maine responds to Trump Admin’s statement State violated title IX by allowing transgenders in girls sports

Former Maine High School Pole Vaulting coach and official Allen Cornwall, who had to judge a competition involving a Trans -Athlet earlier this year, Pakinomist told Digital that he sees Scallon’s comments as “A Father.”

“It’s a father,” Cornwall said. “Until you sit there and look at the faces of the other girls, and then you can come and tell me why you think it’s fair, I don’t really want to hear it. I look at the faces of these girls every single week, I’ve witnessed it and they got down and they were hurt and then found the opportunities not to compete that you have not been what they have wanted. Rights are forgotten that you have been that you have been over that they have been over.

The CEO of the US parents’ coalition, Alleigh Marre, made a statement to Pakinomist Digital, condemning the entire liberal movement in Maine, working to enable Trans -Inclusion.

“Parents are overwhelming to agree that it is unacceptable to force gender ideology on the children, and they are tired of activists pretending that biology is not real,” Marr said.

“From boys in girls ‘sports and changing rooms to tampongs in boys bathrooms – families have had enough. Despite this, Maine Liberals’ latest push includes their ideology to invite a trans -bright activist who has been accused of [witnessing] Sexual mismatch involving a minor to say morning prayer at the House of Representatives today. Out of touch does not begin to describe their continued actions. It’s time for our leaders to listen to parents and families. “

Users on social media shared their own criticism of Scallon’s comments.

Maine has become one of the country’s largest battlefields in the national debate on trans cluttering in girls’ sports.

Buses leave King Middle School in Portland, Maine, at the end of the school day. (Derek Davis/Staff Photographer)

Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights (OCR) announced that it found Maine Department of EducationMaine Principals ‘Association and Greely High School Alle in violation of Title IX after a study of trans-inclusion in girls’ sports. HHS said Monday that the state has 10 days to comply with a written agreement or risk referral to the Ministry of Justice.

“What HHS is asking for Maine Department of Education, Maine Principals ‘Association (MPA) and Greely High School are simple-protecting female athletes’ rights. Girls deserve girls-kun sports without male competitors. And if Maine does not come to the table to voluntarily comply Acting Director Anthony Archeval Digital.

The ongoing debate in the state has resulted in the police protection awarded to Greely High School and even a massive protest against head of government Janet Mills in Augusta last month.

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