Millions of cheap EVs in China get advanced self-driving features in the year-what leaves the rest of the world far behind

  • New study predicts that 15 million new Chinese cars will have autonomous technique
  • Affordable models will be able to SAE Level 2 self -driving
  • China is looking for fast track autonomous vehicles

A new study has revealed that about 15 million new cars sold in China will be equipped with at least SAE level 2-self-driving capabilities this year, including models that are priced below 100,000 yuan (which is less than $ 14,000), according to South China Morning Morning Stolke.

China EV100, which is a non-governmental organization that includes key players from China’s largest EV producers, claims that two out of three new cars sold on the mainland will have autonomous driving capacities this year. This will at least allow them to speed up, slow down, and change lanes without driver input.

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