MMA NEWS: Australian amateur fighter dies from rhabdomyolysis

One Amateur MMA Fighter From Australia, almost two weeks died after they were hospitalized immediately after a fight after he unconsciously suffered from a rare and life -threatening muscle state triggered by intense training, according to the family.

Jake Sendler, 21, died tragic on March 13, just 11 days after he was admitted to the hospital with what would later be diagnosed as rhabdomyolysis.

Jake Sendler, 21, died on March 13, just 11 days after he was hospitalized after a match. (Gofundme)

His mother, Sharone Sendler, Told That her son suffered from muscular yearness and discoloration in his urine in the construction of her amateur fight on March 2nd. He did not believe it when he trains in the coming match and simply thought he was dehydrated.

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“He sold 60 tickets to family and friends to come and look at him,” Sharone told the business.

Sendler was medically cleared to compete in the three-round match, according to the report. He lasted in the full battle, but had to be helped out of the ring, and eventually an ambulance was called to take him to a hospital.

Sharone said her son was underwent more operations but the damage from Rare condition was too big.

“When we got into the ICU, the doctor said when they opened him again (in another emergency surgery) there was just too much tissue that was dead and there was so much damage there was nothing more they could do,” she said.

Hex, the organizer of Sendler’s last match, released a statement on social media saying that his “dedication, talent and spirit will be very missed.” (Gofundme)

“I said to him, ‘It’s ok, darling, you can rest now, you fought so hard’ and I kissed him on his forehead and he died. It was the worst moment of my life.”

12 Tufts University Lacrosse players diagnosed with rare, life-threatening muscle mode after team training

The organizer of Sendler’s last match released a statement of social media after his death.

“Road to Hex is deeply sad about the departure of amateur MMA -Jagerfly Jakes Sendler. His dedication, talent and spirit will be very missed.

“We are expanding our sincere compassion to his family, friends and everyone at Mat Masters Academy.”

According to Cleveland Clinic, Rhabdomyolysis is a rare and life -threatening state that causes the muscles to collapse, leading to muscle sweet. This causes toxins from the muscle fibers to release in circulation, including in the kidneys – potentially cause kidney damage.

The condition may be caused by a number of factors including “over -use, trauma, medicine or an underlying state of health”, according to the clinic.

Sendler was allegedly medically cleared to compete in the three-round match on March 2nd. (Gofundme)

A Gofundme campaign was created in Sendler’s memory to raise awareness of the rare state and help support the family’s funeral costs.

“As he was preparing for an upcoming match, Jake pushed subconsciously through deteriorating symptoms. He continued to train, work and coaching, unaware that his body was closing.

“Immediately after, his condition deteriorated quickly, which led to emergencies and multi-organization errors-the most serious case of Rhabdo that his doctors had ever encountered.”

In September, 12 members of Tufts men’s lacrosse -team was diagnosed with the same condition after a training led by a candidate who had recently completed Navy Seal training.

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