Looking for another day?
A new new Connections puzzle appears at midnight every day for your time zone – which means some people always play ‘Today’s Games’ while others play ‘yesterday’s’. If you are looking for Saturday’s puzzle instead Then click here: New -Connections Tip and Response to Saturday 15 March (Games #643).
Good morning! Let’s play connections, News Smart Wordpan that challenges you to group answers into different categories. It can be tough, so read on if you need connections tips.
What are you going to do when you are done? Why, play some more word games of course. I also got daily strict tips and answers and quordle tips and answer articles if you also need help with them, while Marc’s Wordle Today page covers the original viral Word game.
Spoiler Warning: Information on new connections Today is below, so do not read on if you do not want to know the answers.
New -Connections Today (Play #644) – The Word of the Today
Today’s new connections are …
- Tarot
- Draconian
- Debut
- Constellation
- Zodiac
- Seven
- Ballet
- Hydrant
- Leonardo
- Cluster
- Psycho
- Report
New -Connections Today (Games #644) – Tip No. 1 – Group Tip
What are some clues for today’s new connection groups?
- YELLOW: Overall
- GREEN: Can’t hear the last letter
- BLUE: Murderers
- Purple: Written in the stars
Need more clues?
We are fixed on spoiler territory now, but read on whether you want to know what the four theme answers are to today’s new connections puzzle …
New Connections Today (Game #644) – Tip No. 2 – Group Response
What are the answers to today’s new connection groups?
- Yellow: Flock
- Green: Ends with silent “T”
- Blue: Serial Killer -Film
- Purple: Start with constellations
Right, the answers are below, so no longer roll if you don’t want to see them.
New -Connections Today (Play #644) – The answers
The answers to today’s connections, game #644, are …
- Yellow: Flock Cluster, assembly, constellation, group
- Green: Ends with silent “T” Ballet, Debut, Report, Tarot
- Blue: Serial Killer -Film Monster, Psycho, Seven, Zodiac
- Purple: Start with constellations Draconian, Hydrant, Leonardo, Library
- My rating: Moderate
- My score: 1 Error
This was a connection where you had to say some of the words high to get them. And also a cunning version where the answer to one group (constellation) was one word in another (pile).
Originally, these crossovers got me quite confused when I tried a group with Tarot and Zodiac, and for unknown reasons, but guard, in my added reasoning, to do with reading the future added Leonardo and seven (Leonardo Da Vinci was a visionary whose paintings included what looks like a helicopter, the number seven has minstic properties).
Watching Bunch sent me on the right path before I saw the movie link and started talking to myself.
How did you do today? Tell me that in the comments below.
Yesterday’s new -connections Reply (Saturday 15 March, Game #643)
- Yellow: Order as a punishment Assess, charge, fine, charge
- Green: Checkout Line Impulse Buys Candy, Chapstick, Charging Cable, Magazine
- Blue: Movies in different lengths Epic, feature, movie series, map
- Purple: ___ Road Dirt, tall, rocky, silk
What are new connections?
New Connections is one of several increasingly popular word games made by the New York Times. It challenges you to find groups of four objects that share something in common, and each group has another level of difficulty: green is light, yellow a little harder, blue often quite hard and purple usually very difficult.
On the plus side, you do not have to technically solve the last one, as you can answer one by an elimination process. In addition, you can make up to four errors, giving you a little bit of breathing room.
However, it is a little more involved than something like Wordle, and there are plenty of opportunities for the game to get up with tricks. For example, be careful on gay and other word games that can hide the answers.
It can be played free of charge via the new Games website on desktop or mobile.