Paris Hilton ventures into a new career direction after trying his hand at different professions.
Hotel Heiress, 44, has joined forces with IHearTradio for a new crime podcast entitled My friend Daisy.
The ten-part series is based on the tragic killing of a 19-year-old girl Daisy back in 2021, whose killer was uncovered in an international manhunt that began on social media with amateur detectives at Tiktok that connects the dots independently.
The podcast is performed by Hilton himself and written and hosted by award -winning journalist Jenn Swann.
“I’m always looking for ways to shine a light on important stories,” Hilton said in one statement, per. Daily Mail.
“When I first read Daisy de la O’s story by Jenn Swann at The cutI was the heart bridge of what she endured – but also deeply moved by the way her society met with the help of digital activism to demand justice, ”she continued.
“Women’s voices are too often unheard of, and I remain obliged to go in for a world where every woman’s story matters,” the publication quoted further socialitis.
My friend Daisy are ready for premiere on March 26th.
It is relevant to mention that this is not her first podcast when Paris first started on the path with her podcast in interview-style I’m Paris Through its own company, London Audio.
She has also performed produced free -end docuseries pods like Caught in treatment and The story of the world’s largest nightclubs.
Hilton recently teased that a movie about her life is also in the works and that an actress has already been recruited to act as a socialite.
“She is iconic, beautiful, she is an incredible actress, and people will be blown away when they see this,” she fertilizes Extra TV Without revealing the actor’s identity.
“We also do it with A24, just White Lotus and Euphoria And all the most amazing shows, so it’s very exciting, ”Hilton added.