Rachel Zegler opened for the support and love she received from other female stars, including Ariana Grande, in the middle of Snow White ‘S setback
In a recent chat with LureThe 23-year-old Rising Star revealed that other Hollywood women have shown support as she leads Disney’s new live-action movie.
She revealed that Grande reached out to her improvised and asked if she needed any help.
“Ariana Grande reached out to me – Arropos of nothing – and said, ‘If you need anything, I’m here,'” Zegler said.
“She is so deeply kind. She has gone through so much in the public eye, and I have always really, really admired her courage in the light of all that,” gasped Zegler over Evil star.
“Jameela Jamil is like a big sister to me,” she said of The good place Star, added, “I love that she has no regret to be obvious about being willpower and strong.”
In addition, Zegler noticed about her Shazam! The rage of the gods’ comrades, Oscar wins Helen Mirren and Emmy Nominated Lucy Liu that they “have been my holders in all this where I feel very much loved them.”
Zegler also expressed her desire that she always looked for a “sister” in the industry, and “they are not always easy to find,” she admitted.
While noticing the constant pressure from competing with other female stars, Zeler declared that she did not “subscribe to it.”
“We are often told that other women need to be your competition, and I really believe in advancing your friends and advancing your colleagues, whether you are close to them or not,” Zegler added.