Reese Witherspoon, Harlan Coben speaks ‘Occupation’ with their joint project

Reese Witherspoon, Harlan Coben ‘Occupy’ with their joint project

Harlan Coben has opened up his and his partner, Reese Witherspoon’s occupation for their upcoming project.

During an interview with You, The author of mysterious novels sincerely discussed his feelings related to his upcoming collaborative project.

In October 2024, the duo announced that they would cooperate in writing a novel together, originally Fool me once Author had rejected the idea, but when she shared her ideas with him, they agreed to collaborate on the novel.

He revealed his reason for initial rejection of the novel and said, “People often suggest cooperation, but I say, ‘Respectful, it’s not for me.’ ‘

“I thought, ‘How do I tell the Reese Washerspoon who I love, this is a no?’ But when she told me her idea, I thought quickly, ‘OK, maybe if we move this bit here and the bit over there,’ the 63-year-old writer added.

However, the novel’s title and plot remain during wrapping.

“Now we are obsessed with this collaboration,” Coben said, whose 12 of his novels have been adapted to film, the business told.

“We speak or SMS every day, or she comes here. Reese is a wonderful storyteller and very light,” he pays tribute to.

Before he finished, Coben shared, “She also reads me well: When to push and when to beat back. I couldn’t work with many people, but I can with Reese.”

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