Riley Gaines, Former Lia Thomas Cons and MODISTS, ROSERS Trump -Admin for pause with federal funds to Upenn

Riley Gaines, a decorated earlier NCAA swims For the University of Kentucky, the Trump administration praised on Wednesday after it was announced that $ 175 million in federal funding for the University of Pennsylvania had been a break over the university’s admission of transking athletes in women’s sports.

“Trump administration has once again taken rapid action to maintain common sense and preserve women’s opportunities by putting a $ 175 million break in federal funding to the University of Pennsylvania,” Gaines hosted Outkick’s “Gaines for girls” Podcast, Pakinomist told Digital Wednesday.

Riley Gaines talks before Florida Gov. Ron Desantis in the Greenville Convention Center on June 2, 2023. (McKenzie Lange/Staff/USA Today Network)

“Upenn allowed a man to compete in women’s swimming, remove female athletes like myself and my teammates of their hard -earned podium stains, trophies, and record all while forcing them to share a dressing room with this fully intact man who exposed himself to us.”

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She continued, “This proactive step sends a clear message: institutions that disregard the integrity of women’s sports and the rights of female athletes will have consequences. More of this.”

A senior official told Fox Business solely on Wednesday that the administration has paused $ 175 million in federal funding. This did not take into account UPENN’s overall federal funding, which the university previously reported last year was about $ 1 billion.

The break is not a direct result of the investigation of Upenn, which the Institute of Education announced a day after the president signed “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports” executive order on February 5th.

Lia Thomas cheering for teammates at the Ivy League swimming and diving championships in Harvard, February 19, 2022, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (AP Photo/Mary Schwalm)

Trump Admin Pauser $ 175 MIO

In a statement to Pakinomist Digital, a university spokesman said that UPENN has not received any “official review” of the financing break, adding that the university was and is in “full compliance” with NCAA and Ivy League policies.

“We are Aware of Media Reports Suggesting A Suspension of $ 175 Million In Federal Funding to Penn, But Have Not Yet Received Any Official Notification or Any Details. It is IMPORTANT TO Note, However, that penn has always followed ncaa and ivy League policies Regarding Student Participation on ATHLETIC TEAMS. Been in the Past, and Remain Today, In Full Compliance with the Regulations That Apy to Not Only Penn, But All of Our Ncaa and Ivy League Peer Institutions.

Gaines, a former 12-time NCAA All-American swimmer, was at the center of national attention when she tied with Upenn’s Lia Thomas, a transgender swimmer, in 2022 NCAA National Championships.

Riley Gaine’s famous famous Lia Thomas for fifth place in the 200 freestyle final at NCAA swimming and diving championships. (Brett Davis-usa Today Sports)

Thomas and Gaines both tied to fifth place in the 200-Yard Freestyle final, but it was Thomas who got the fifth place to pose for photos. Thomas also continued to win a national championship title in the women’s 500-yard freestyle.

Upenn is still in danger of losing all its federal funding in the midst of a study of potential violations of title IX.

Acting Assistant Secretary of Civil Rights Craig Trainor said in a statement from the education department last month that three institutions would be investigated for suspicion of a violation of title IX.

In addition to Upenn, San Jose State University, Which made headlines in the fall after several schools refused to play women’s volleyball team due to a trans athlete on the guard schedule, and Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association is also being investigated for suspected violations.

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