Sarah Michelle Gellar says her holiday habits are Monica Gellar level intense

Sarah Michelle Gellar says her holiday habits are Monica Gellar level intense

Sarah Michelle Gellar recently admitted that she is a “Type A” traveler who takes holiday planning signs from Friends‘Monica Gellar.

Talking to PEOPLEThe 47-year-old actress revealed that she is following a famous quote from the Courteney Cox’s character in Friends When planning holidays: “Rules are good. Rules help to control the fun.”

Gellar, who collaborates with Trainline on his “Ticket to Summer Travel in Europe” campaign, said, “It’s me. It’s definitely me. I want a plan, but I also understand that not everyone is like that.”

She added, “I’m a type of A-person, so I keep Google Maps with pins wherever I want to go, and everywhere I’ve been. I want to send them to people and they’ll be like, ‘This is a 17-day trip that you just gave me,’ But I’m like ‘It’s just opportunities.'”

“[You have to] Plan, plan, plan and then have a backup for your plan. And you have to be able to turn and be able to be flexible sometimes, ” SCOOBY-DOO Star said.

Gellar continued to admit that she loves to travel to Europe, especially with her family: her husband, Freddie Prinze Jr., and their two children, daughter Charlotte, 15, and son Rocky, 12.

“We are definitely an Italy family; there is no question. I think it knows it by Italy that is so great is that there are places for all of us to do things,” she explained.

Before he finished, Mother of two told the same sales market about her enthusiasm for using Trainline’s services this summer when she and her family return to Europe.

“We haven’t done Spain yet with the kids. I think it’s coming up soon. I want them to see it,” concluded Sarah Michelle Gellar.

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