Stephen Graham Almost Leonardo DiCaprio in on-set golf cart accident

Stephen Graham Almost Leonardo DiCaprio in on-set golf cart accident

Stephen Graham recently shared a close call from the set of Gangs of New YorkWhere he almost caused a serious injury to Leonardo DiCaprio.

During a performance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon starring the lead roleGraham remembered how he convinced DiCaprio of letting him drive a golf cart around Cinecittà Studios in Rome.

Like Graham, DiCaprio and their co -star Alec McCowen threw downhill, the carriage’s backwheel locked, causing it to tilt over.

According to PeopleGraham described, “It was like a slow movement,” while adding that DiCaprio hardly managed to jump out of the way before the carriage could crush his legs.

Despite the accident, all three actors escaped unscathed, although Graham served the nickname “Ani” (abbreviation for “Animal”) from McCowen for his reckless driving.

However, DiCaprio was reportedly less entertained at the moment.

In addition, the incident remains an easy but nerve -wracking memory from the production of Martin Scorsese’s historic drama from 2002 in 2002 according to sales.

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