The ministers are becoming staggering 188% salary bump


Despite high allegations of savings policy and belt density from the PML-N-LED government, the federal cabinet has approved a summary to increase wages for ministers, prime ministers and advisers who massively raise their wages to RS519,000 per year. Month.

The increase came when the government recognized the financial burden on the grade because of taxation that, according to the statistics, delivered in Parliament’s lower house, was heavy.

According to sources, the increase is a staggering 188% shock, giving the ministers a beautiful wind drop at a time when ordinary citizens are asked to tighten the belts due to excessive taxes.

The development comes two months after the Finance Committee for the National Assembly approved an increase in wages and quotas for MNAs and senators, which brought them in accordance with federal secretaries.

The committee, chairman of Speeches Ayaz Sadiq, had unanimously approved the salary increase for parliamentarians.

In the recent past, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had more than doubled the size of the federal cabinet, increasing its members from 21 to 43, including 30 federal ministers, nine state states and four advisers.

The new appointed also include four special assistants to the Prime Minister, which means that the total size of Premier’s team is now at 51 members, including eight SAPMs.

Under Article 92 of the Constitution, no more than a quarter of federal ministers and prime ministers may be from the Senate, and the total cabinet size cannot exceed 11 percent of total parliamentary membership.

Currently, the National Assembly and the Senate have 336 and 96 members respectively, a total of 432. Having a fiercely federal cabinet is not a new phenomenon in the country, as almost all previous regimes have claimed they would keep its size small but later packed their cabinets.

Ironically, Prime Minister for Railways Bilal Azhar Kayani National Assembly Friday told that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has repeatedly recognized the issue of excessive tax burden for the employees.

However, due to the country’s fragile economic situation, immediate relief was not possible. “We hope to reach a position that can be delivered soon,” Kayani added without specifying a timeframe.

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