- ResignationDichen Lachman has revealed what she knew about Project Cold Harbor before this season finale
- The Lumon -Experiment has been one of Season 2’s greatest mysteries
- Lachman says she wasn’t told about what was behind her test room door for a long time
Resignation Actor Dichen Lachman was not aware of what the show’s creative team had planned in one of Season 2’s greatest mysteries in a long time.
Project Cold Harbor has dominated fan -discusion ever since it was first mentioned in Resignation Season 2 Episode 1.
I’ve also spent countless hours coming up with my own ideas for what Project Cold Harbor was. I have discussed the Lumon experiment in several articles over the past nine weeks, starting with my season 2 section 1 theories piece and recently in my Season 2 section 9 -Connection.
With Resignation Season 2 final, ironically, entitled ‘Cold Harbor’, which is debuting with the long-awaited, we finally know what it is about. Full spoilers immediately follow for season 2 section 10So return now if you haven’t seen it yet.
The test room known as Project Cold Harbor is an almost empty space with a lonely baby’s crib in the center.
That the basin is immediately recognized Resignation Diehards. It is an exact copy of the one field and Gemma owned, which we saw in Season 2’s Gemma-focused seventh episode.
So what is this doing? It is the last test that Gemma has to complete – one that will help Lumon determine if its severance procedure can be used to create more ‘ines’ within the same person. Gemma has been the topic of testing for these experiments and when she has completed this 25. And last, Lumon will have the necessary data to prove that they can interrupt someone several times.
Lumon doesn’t need Gemma’s services anymore, so they plan to kill her when she’s done. All she has to do is then – per. Doctor Mauer’s Instructions – Separate Crib using the Screwdriver she has given.
Unfortunately for Lumon, Mark – Gemma’s man – comes to her rescue and prevents her from ending Project Cold Harbor (NB: Read mine Resignation Season 2 ends explained piece for more details about it).
However, it is more than enough wandering on my part. When did Lachman learn more about Project Cold Harbor? Funny enough, like Gemma, she was kept in the dark for a long time by creator Dan Erickson and performing producer Ben Stiller.
“I didn’t read [the script for] Section ten, until we almost filmed it, “Lachman told me ahead of Apple TV original’s latest episode.” I did not find out before a few weeks before [filming began]whereas I had had [the script for episode] seven for quite a long time. So I had a lot of time to let Seven’s events sink in.
“I got TI’s script relatively soon before we started filming it but I never really dip into it with Dan because they [Dan and Ben] only told me what I needed to know, “Lachman added.” I’m not sure why they [Lumon] Put her [Gemma] In the special situation. Obviously they are trying to see if the severance technology is holding but I’m not sure why Mauer is saying to her [in episode seven] That this will change the world. I guess it’s like a final narcotics robbery which is the last step they [Lumon] have to cross. “
These are not the only information that Erickson and Stiller have detained from Lachman. She also told me that she has no idea that filming in Season 3 will begin, nor has she seen any of the next season’s manuscripts that make saying that Erickson and his co -authors are currently working on.
Nevertheless, Lachman has some ideas for her own about where she liked that Gemma’s story should go in one of the best Apple TV+ shows’ recently announced the third season.
“It’s interesting that she has so many different on -towns,” Lachman thought. “I wonder how they all are and how it means to her in the real world. Mark has only [one innie in] Mark S. She has … I mean, I don’t know how many rooms are down there. I stopped counting and focused on other things!
“But how many different spaces are there in her brain?” Lachman added. “I wonder if they [the writers] will explore it. But you know, the possibilities of the show are endless. “