Uniswap passes $ 165 million. Financing plan after DAO vote

The Uniswap community has two government proposals to drive the growth of the Unichain network and the Uniswap V4 protocol.

The initiatives, called “Uniswap Unleashed”, introduced a new subsidy program and liquidity incitaments, while hinting at the first steps of a “fee contact”, a long -term protocol vote that would pay part of commercial fees to the Holders of Uniswap’s UNI.

Relevant management items have not directly mentioned a fee switch, but noted plans to “activate revenue.”

The fund requested $ 95.4 million for its subsidy budget and $ 25.1 million for operations over two years, plus $ 45 million for liquidity incentives to attract users and fuel ecosystem growth through developer campaigns.

Both proposals adopted with more than 80% of UNI token holders in favor, government data shows.

The passage could now set a fee-switch, a long-standing community goal that would change some protocol revenue-in the moment over $ 1 billion annually-from liquidity providers to UNI holders. Its activation, delayed by previously failed voices is related to legal preparations from the foundation.

The proposal was originally proposed in July 2021 to pilot contact with a small set of uniswap protocol pools. Contact does not increase fees for users, but will retain a small part of what is currently paid out to liquidity providers (LP), or users locking their tokens on Uniswap in exchange for fee rewards.

However, it could mean less fee earnings for Uniswaps LPS and more rewards for holders of Uniswap’s original Token Uni, which accrues value for UNI holders – leaving the proposal hanging in the last few years. Such a vote could not adopt by 2023 after being voted against by influential token holders.

Part of the steps against sharing revenue would be to make the Uniswap Foundation-a Non-Profit, which helps to develop and maintain the uniswap legal entity, giving the clarity of legal status and the ability to contract with other protocols.

“If our vetting is successful and we believe that the creation of a legal entity for the Uniswap government is in its best interest, we would suggest that governance to implement a legal unity structure,” the proposal said.

“If it was adopted, this step would pave the way for the potential introduction (or reintroduction) of a government proposal for delegators to earn protocol revenue,” it noted.

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